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Katy Perry: "I do not need a man"

Katy Perry appeared on the cover of the new rooms Rolling Stone, which goes on sale in mid-August. In an interview with the publication of the cult pop diva says that is not afraid to not get married, and also talks about her divorce from Russell Brand and communication with Madonna.

Recently, privacy Perry all rather vague: after breaking up with John Mayer tabloids actively attributed her love affair with Robert Pattinson, and her relationship with DJ Diplo is heating up, then fade.

Very calm about this Katie about. According to the star, it feels good and alone: ​​

I do not need a guy! Look, we live in 2014, we live in the future. We have nothing. I do not think that I would have to have children alone, but we'll see. I am not against men, I love men. But it is likely that no one suitable never meet.

Meanwhile, speaking about children, Kathy notes that until they wind up in a hurry:

I see that my sister is completely immersed in motherhood, it 24 hours a day engaged in their child. And her little girl so beautiful, so loud, restless, happy. I want in my life, it all came at the right time. And, you know, it is unlikely to come in the next two years. Maybe that's the plan for the next five years. I just need to be sure that I can give your child a hundred percent of his attention. Would not want to, he had to ride with me on tour. 

Recall that Perry had the experience of family life, but her marriage lasted long: the singer married actor Russell Brand in October 2010, and in December 2011, the husband filed for divorce. Here is what the singer of separation from her husband:

It was an emotional trauma, crash dreams. I seemed a fairy tale, but in reality it was not so fabulous. I do not like to talk about it, I think it was a thousand years ago. I do not want it to look as if I just have nothing else to attract attention.

Reporter Rolling Stone could not ask heroine rooms question about her relationship with Madonna, because a few months ago at the stars was a joint photo session and both admitted that they delighted to communicate with each other.

Perry confirmed that make friends with Madonna - not an easy task:

To get into the circle of her friends, it is necessary in really prove that you are a sincere person and you can trust. I totally understand it. You need to protect your heart from strangers when you reach such heights. You can not just surround himself with all sorts of freaks who will drink your blood. Should I ask: "What are your motives?", "Why are you here?" "What do you want from me?" 

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