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i hate being 25. I've only been 25 for 2 days. but already, given the time that is in it. it's been confusing and a little frightening. 
So far, this weekend has been fun. I headed out for drinks on Friday to celebrate the official turning in age of me. Which was great. Before the parents headed into Dublin (which messed up Dublin pride for me something rotten)
and needed to be shown around a lot. Dinner and drinks in Cafe En Seine led to coffee at Cafe Mao which led to bed. But not before I won concert tickets and 3 pints of free bulmers. (I was SICK!) so myself and Z are off to the gig on Thursday.
Today saw me wandering down to the Burlington for breakfast before meandering up to Dun L for the day. Had great stroll in the sun (which means I am now burnt) and a lunch. 
It's going to be one of those mental weeks though. Off to France for a holiday at some point and now the concert. Hopefully the week is going to fly by, but, then again. proberely not....

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