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Queen Latifah Didn't Know She Was a Feminist Till People Started Telling Her she Was

Feminisms is a big movement right now, and some women have hijacked that movement for their own selfish reasons. Some jump on the train only when it suits them. But legendary rapper/actor, Queen Latifah didn't even know she was a feminist till people started saying she was a feminist. What does that mean? She had the traits of a feminist naturally; she was raised to be a feminist by her mother, and didn't have to jump on any bandwagon.

During her recent interview with Zainab Salbi (on Yahoo News original series, Through Her Eyes), she was asked if she considers herself a feminists, and she said...

"I consider myself my mother's daughter. To be honest with you, I didn't even know what a feminist was and apparently I was a feminist because later people told me, 'you're a feminist.' And I was like what the hell is a feminist. Okay, let me read that. I guess that's what I am. I suppose so. I had no idea what a feminist was exactly but yea I do have the traits of a feminist. Umm, but I really was really, I mean honestly, just my mother's child, and the things that she thought me about how to be a woman and how women should be respected, and never to depend on anyone for money, and to be able to make my own decisions. To believe in myself."

Yea, she definitely is a true definition of a feminist. You can watch her full interview below...

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