On the East Coast, we are going through a massive heat wave. The humidity is just so out of control here. So the heat puts me in the mood for neons. For this manicure, I used two coats of Spoiled I'm so Jaded, which completely helps me lessen my need for China Glaze Limonyte. Then I used an accent of China Glaze Surfin for Boys, which is from the new Summer Neons collection. I did the opposite on the other hand (with I'm So Jaded as an accent). The accent was just too stark for me, so I added diagonal dots in the opposing color. I topped it all off with a coat of IMN Northern Lights. I absolutely loved this manicure.
While this picture does not show the shimmer in the neons,
it does show the glitter from IMN.
Here is that gorgeous shimmer.
Picture of my opposite hand.
I realize this picture isn't the greatest,
but it was the only one I had of both of my hands. DOH!
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