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Halloween costumes...

People have been asking me what my Halloween costumes. i don't seem to have any concrete ideas yet. I like the idea of using an Alexander McQueen collection as a starting point. Like a strange tribute. I don't do certain costumes - like witch or ghost. I just do ghostly outfits and outrageous dressing up.
I took a look at McQueen's 2006 collection.......
Thi is the main piece I like the look of. Using branches which I can drape cobwebs between the two branches. Not sure what dress or actual fabric I'll use. But I always seem to go with white. Most of my costumes seem to rely on ghostly make-up and white face paint.
But looking at the rest of the collection. It is inspiring...I love the birds feathers draped over the faces of the models. McQueen had an obsession with birds. But there is something very beauitfull about the birds position over the faces. Also seductive about the half view of the face.
Prehaps I could do something with that?
When you look at collections like that you can't help but think what a genius the man was. What a legend. His collections are so beautiful. Not to mention the amount of trends currently in the shows this season are in these photos. I'm loving the beautiful ruffles and soft feminine fabrics.
Compared to the chunkier fabrics. It's just gorgeous.

So, not sure where I am even going for Halloween this year! But I have a feeling when and where I decide to party - it will be in my McQueen tribute outfit!

What you wearing?

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