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That's So 70s: Fall into Fall Fashions!!

And what better way to Fall into Fall Fashions than with the Fall / Winter Big Book catalogs from the past. And just to make it a little more interesting, let's do a Big Book showdown between Sears and JCP!!

First up is that venerable icon of catalogs - Sears.....
And boy do they start off with a strong offering of early 70s grooviness.  The combination of the hat with the vest with the leggings with the shorts is going to be tough to beat.  However Karen and the other model seem to be averting their eyes.   Kathy's probably thinking "What, what?  I got this outfit from Sears.  They said it is what all the cool kids are wearing to school this year!!  What are you guys snickering about!!"

Well JCP what do you have to offer for round one?
Well JCP decided to go with the "comfort" route.  however, they seem to have borrowed the orange leggings idea from Sears!!  The model on the right with hand out seems to be going "whoa there Kay, easy on the bright orange."

Despite the nice mini and orange-shock stockings on Kay, I have to give round 1 to Sears!!

For round 2, we'll let JCP go first.  Thy had better step up their game!!
I guess they're thinking that the groovy hat is what it takes to win.  And I have to admit that if I was back in school and saw Kay walking down the street in that matching mini skirt ensemble, well, I would know that I was having a good day!

Still the rest seems a bit ordinary.  Has JCP left the door open for Sears to steal round 2??
Hmmm, We all know that the 70s were known for their earth tone fashions, but sorry, this just doesn't get the job done.  Looks light JCP squeaks by to take round 2.

Well it appears with things tied up at 1 to 1, the winner of round 3 will take this scintillating completion (yeah I know, the anticipation is almost too much to bear.)  And to make it a bit more interesting we'll make this the all Kathy round!!  Every entry will have to include Kathy.

No drab styles here.  Sears seems to have learned from its mistake in the previous round and gone all out here by throwing in a little bit of everything.  Its like an explosion of dazzling 70s back to school goodness!!

Oh no!  Has JCP made the same mistake with the muted colors?!?! Well I suppose that they are counting on those boots to pull  it off.  And in addition we have a bonus pic of Kathy in the lower left.

Very, very nice. This might just win it for JCP, except that,......Wait!  We have a late entry....

Aldens jumps into the competition at the last moment with the grooviest of groovy 70s back to school fashions. Coordinated green suede outfits?  Check!  Turtleneck sweaters?  Check!  And finally, mock suede hats??  Check and checkmate by Aldens!!

Sorry Sears and JCP. You fought hard, but this just goes to show that you can't overlook those groove-tatsic budget fashions form Aldens!!


(1) Pic is courtesy of Blue Senshi.  Thanks!

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