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Today isn't Memorial Day.  Today is the day before Memorial Day.  Today is the calm before the Holiday celebration.  I'm ready for Memorial Day.  However, Memorial Day isn't here yet.  Yeah, the sun is setting.  Night is slowly arriving.  but Memorial Day is only a few hours away.  So I look at the clock.  I see the clock as the hours, minutes and seconds ticks by.  Not that I'm watching the clock.  I'm doing all sorts of fun tasks beyond looking at the clock.  I'm thinking about flying cars.  I'm thinking of boats floating across the ocean.  Too bad I'm living in Columbus, Ohio which is landlocked in every possible conservable direction (Except for a few rivers here and there).  Still, it's nice to think about oceans floating across the ocean nevertheless.
And as I'm lost in thought a day before Memorial Day, here are some photos of Jennifer Lawrence.

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