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Space Hulk: Brother Omnio, Brother Goriel and Brother Scipio

Tearing it up.
Another week done and another 3 Terminators completed.

I'll hopefully have the last squad of 5 completed soon- and then it'll be time to play Space Hulk!

Brother Omnio

Wonder what is happening on the Misc?
Brother Omnio is suffering from smart phone addiction.

Even when hunting genestealers he is checking out his Facebook news feed.

Purple gems of the stormbolter.
He also looks like he skips legs days.

It's always chest and arms.
Brother Goriel

Got a kitty scratch.
Brother Zael managed to catch one of those flighty genestealers and it scratched him hard.

More scratches.
Brother Scipio

Scipio wants floating floor boards in this Space Hulk
Gem needs a touch up.

Two more terminators!

Until next time.

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