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Enough is Enough

So Friday morning I'm getting ready to take Coleen and her friend Emily out to lunch and then to play at the park as part of her fun times for Spring break.  I call hubby to let him know that we'll be gone during lunch and he answers the phone kinda weird like.  So I say, "What's Wrong?"

He replies,  "I smashed my finger with a concrete step this morning!"
I said,  "Did you break anything?"
He said, "I'm on my way to X-Ray right now."

Hubby calls,  "Well I have a compound fracture of my middle finger on the left hand.  They may need to do surgery and put in some pins."

Much later.....

Home from the hospital and trying to cut his food.  -  We are thinking of getting a Plastic Bubble he can get in and hopefully not have anything else go wrong.  It's been a "year" for him.

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